Saturday, November 10, 2012


I found out that the churches have lied once again to the world. The weeping statues world-wide of Mary, are Mary Magdalene, NOT Mary Jesus Christ's mother. Also the stained-glass windows in the churches are of Mary Magdalene. Some are of Mary his mother, but the stain glass with Mary wearing a white, scarlet red, or "rose" pink colored dresses, perhaps holding a rose, are of Mary Magdalene. Often she is depicted looking down. She may have blonde hair or they may have disguised her with brown hair and brown eyes. She is also considered to be a "virgin" like Jesus' mother. Mary Magdalene, as the Bride of Christ, gives the "water of life" because she will save people from "death" (Hell). The song "Mary Had a Little Lamb" was written about Mary Magdalene and Jesus (=The Lamb). It gets more bizarre... the "merry" (Mary) - go - rounds at parks, Mary Jane Shoes, and "Mary" Kay products were all named after Mary Magdalene. Any other explaination is a lie by dirty descendants. As insane as this would seem the TV Show "Two Broke Girls" is about Mary Magdalene (the blonde wearing the pearls) and Jesus' Mother Mary (brunette), the movie "Something about Mary" is Mary Magdalene, and Madonna's song "Like a Virgin" is about Mary Magdalene (reincarnated). Notice the wedding dress. I don't want to confuse you by telling you things I've newly learned. The church and Hollywood should NOT be trusted because they are the Anti-Christ. But God and Jesus do want you to know the truth that has been hidden from you.

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