Friday, November 2, 2012


As American citizens you need to be aware that everyone of your city and state police officers and our judicial judges ARE these dirty descendant elves. They are all practicing ILLEGAL, racist, discriminating hiring practices. Everyone of them is a CROOK. The inequitable hiring of Israelite descendants over other people in many of these national and local companies, beside the police force, is just another reason I leaped to action. This is UNAmerican.  I was also fearful of what this hidden racism would mean to my kids future job opportunities. Most of these Israelite descendants are corrupt, either by choice or curse. The dirty descendant police officers, firemen, and teachers have lower standards than other people. This effects how our country runs and whether we are successful or whether we fail. Why is the school system failing our kids??? Because Israelite descendants have failed our society. Teachers and parents who are these Israelite decsendants plague the ability to uplift our schools. If the truth hurts, maybe it should hurt. Israelites are prone to lie. This fact fails our children and our American system also, because then our children think it's ok to lie. How many times have you heard TV Shows bash learning and schools. A LOT.  This is a collective effort by Israelite descendants pushing for our school system to fail our children. Then these "elves" hire more dirty descendants elves from outside our country. Does that make sense to you? There are MAJOR demons in our country. If these "elves" don't help themselves by quitting their lies, smoking, dark ways... our nation will slip further into despair. They know I can only ignite the fire, but THEY have to put out the flame before it's too late.

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