Sunday, November 4, 2012


Here's something that should make you sick to your stomach. The red that these semi-trucks, work trucks, employee work shirts at movie theaters and other places, and cars that (swerbeH; flip it) are driving is meant to signify ONE, but it's not one nation of people. It's actually meant to signify ONE BLOOD BROTHERHOOD of the Israelite dirty descendants and the bond they have with one another to LIE to American's and the world. That is why "our" American flag has RED strips in it, along with the white to symbolize the 13 original colonies that LIED to all American's from the beginnings of "our" country. The evil does not stop there. The barns on "OUR" "American" farms have always been painted "BLOOD RED" to signal other swerbeH that they were ONE and should stick together. U2's song "One" is the same. It's a disgrace to our people and the United States. All these hidden symbols that mock at humanity. The word "Traitors" is to clean for them. If you are upset by these lies, and not knowing what will occur on Dec. 21, 2012, flood Washington DC and your state Senators with calls telling them what they are doing is wrong. We have NEVER had a separation of church and state in the USA, because all this time our Presidents and cabinet members have always been this one race of "chosen people". The truth is this NEW WORLD ORDER they claim is taking over the world, is another LIE. The fact is the presidents of the world have ALWAYS been Israelite descendants. They have always had the power over the people in each nation, just as they've had in America. I have NO RESPECT for these "people". My country feels dead because of all the sins THEY committed. The BLOOD of world wars and the BLOOD of their LIES to their own citizens and global nation is on THEIR hands...

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