Friday, November 30, 2012


The songs on your radio will deceive you. Just as Israelite (swerbeH; flip it) have been doing all along. They are attempting to save their own skin from every lie they've ever harmed the world with. Freemason Israelites ( in our government) committed Sept. 11th. The panic attacks I began having as a result of that terror attack were REAL, not an illusion. Israel hiring Hamas and Fatah to bomb it's own people, and to put stressfulness on the world is REAL. The murders of Jon-Benet, Natalie Holloway, Laci Peterson (Scott Peterson's wife) were committed by these Israelite "dirty elves". Those deaths affected me. They put unnecessary fear in me about the world I live in. I will continue to believe in Jesus and God, because they call all the shots and know what is best for us. BUT if these "dirty elves" (Dahmer, Scott Peterson) get honored in Heaven for being His "Chosen People" and their "job" was to strike fear in our hearts,... I personally disagree with it. It goes against everything I have learned from Jesus about what it is to be good. To place "fallen angels" on Earth to act like Satan, then to honor them in Heaven is wrong in my book. I pray that it's not true. That is why "The Beast" is the Prince in "Beauty and the Beast". Israelites are suggesting that Jesus is the Beast, and that Belle must learn to love the beast and see past his flaws. Hollywood actors, singers, directors, comedians, politicians, business owners are all pushing this Freemasonry. Am I suppose to agree with their secrecy, lies, trickery, and murders??  Israelites are asking us to question our faith in Jesus and God. Simply, I MUST chose Jesus and God. They've treated Jesus like roadkill. They've even made "Lamb" dog chew toys. Israelites make the good person out to be the villian. Don't listen to the songs, they will warp your minds. The flyers I gave you are meant to save you from Israelite (dirty descendant) evils. The media will continue to put out evil stories and crazy drama's of these "elves"; ignore suicides, murders, robberies, car accidents, etc. It's all meant to pull you into their dark web of fraud. Pure and simple. Trust Cinderella. PROOF:


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