Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I've seen some "elves" lifestyle's, and it's a train wreck.lol If you wanna get in good with God, I'm gonna give you some suggestions to help ya get started. 

1. STOP thinking that "good" means boring. That's a stupid myth. Hurting yourself and giving yourself diseases is NOT more fun. Life is still as spicy as you make it, even though you follow God's laws.

2. Don't get any more tattoo's. Cover the one's you have, or get them lasered off if you can afford it. God created you perfectly, tattoo's demean God's work He did when making YOU. Wanna get creative with art? ... draw.

3. Don't dye your hair that hideous black color. It ages you, and for most people other than maybe Kim Kardashian, they look like CRAP. I've heard that specific hair color, also might lead to Cancer. Does anyone REALLY wanna look like "Snape"????

4. Throw out or give to Good Will ALL your JUNK nick nacks, clutter, or what you think are luxuries but you never touch. If you don't use it, pitch it!! That includes all the junk you are letting sit in your yards, outside porches, and pole barns. You aren't taking it with you to heaven, and you're surely NOT impressing anyone by having it. The extra "STUFF" makes life miserable, unmanagable, and depressing. The "BEAST" convinced us to buy all the CRUD that is in your homes, because they KNEW that shopping would make your soul MORE empty. Their intentional evil, to bog us down, should PEEVE you off enough to TOSS IT TO THE CURB.

5. If you have "ELF" books that are dark, violent, and sinister....BURN THEM. No one should be reading that crap! (Twilight Series, The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Jackie Collins, etc.)

6. Go buy a nice International or World Bible. I would not waste my breath on the King James Version... God's words should not be made harder to read with foreign dialect. Get a highlighter marker or pen and mark important key passages you like. The Bible is the best book you will EVER read, so show God you find verses you love in it. Even though "elves" have altered the Bible to some degree, God did get his word through to His people. If you dislike reading, read the New Testament FIRST and then try the Old Testament. The New Testament is a good read, the Old one is a bit more of a "snooze fest". Thank goodness for Jesus. :D

7. Dress with color. Leave the all black clothing for Satan. It is always humorous to me that creative people wear black, because you so AREN'T creative using it when you dress. You're being a chicken to play it safe and wear boring black. 

8. PRAY. Put your hands together and pray. He hears you even if you think you look stupid doing it. Positive things will come from your prayer for others and prayers for yourself. Maybe you may not see it clearly, but as your relationship builds with God and Jesus... you will eventually see small miracles occurring, and His intervention in your daily life.

9. STOP SWEARING. Give dignity back to your lips and to others ears. Don't harm the ears of your children by letting them hear words you don't need to be using yourself. Teach your kids how to live with high standards for yourself, and you will also model high standards for them to live by.

10. * This is one of the MOST IMPORTANT things NOT to do as an "ELF" or a Non-elf. DON'T read or watch "Elf Chaos". All American's HAVE TO get away from the DRAMA that "elves" are creating in America. Don't be a part of the problem, and don't involve yourselves in it either. The Anti-Christ will get bigger, with the more contaminated dark minds it collects. Walk away from the "Elf" drama disease. Rid yourself of fights at school, govt. lies and pretend killings, movies that pull you toward the dark side, excessive drinking, don't do drugs... go get help if you have an addiction, don't sell drugs... get a REAL job, etc.

11. Work on your patience, and your anger management skills. Give time for yourself to meditate, breathe in deeply, and reflect about your day. If you find yourself in a stressful moment, rethink it, KNOW you are suppose to be there. God placed you in that moment for a reason. So chill out, and find humor in the midst of what "use to" make you upset.

12. STOP SMOKING!!!!!  The longer God keeps you here on Earth, the MORE your body will SUFFER with the effects of smoking.  

13. If you're an "ELF", tell the WORLD... tell 25+ friends, don't keep silent about what "our" "ELF" government and "elf" media are doing... TELL PEOPLE. TRUTH can set you free from the grips "The Beast" has on you. And God has the chance to forgive what you've kept hid in the past.

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