Sunday, September 16, 2012


I had to delete my earlier posts where I questioned the intent of stars and singers. Had to do it. After researching about the "Nephilim" creatures and the movie Netflix dedicated to me, "Alien Armageddon", it's my belief that these "elves" are the "fallen angels" that God talks about.  For whatever reason they are asking America to "wake up", it's only AFTER these "elves" have competely CORRUPTED our society. They have murdered people, abducted children, caused centuries of wars that have killed millions, and joined a SECRET cult organization of Freemasonry that is oppressing our American people.  God is not about secrecy, lies, cover-ups, Watergate, God's about light and TRUTH. And that means telling the truth, which these "elves" haven't done by keeping secret "code names" to themselves. These "fallen angels" = STARS/CELEBRITIES/PRESIDENTS/POLITICIANS/PRO ATHLETES ARE American citizens ENEMY. Until citizens get honest answers from these "ELVES" there is no point in trusting them at all. As crazy as it seems, "fallen angels" could mean "aliens" or it could mean Satan's angels came down in the days of Giant's and Canaanites and created this group of people with large "ELF" ears to ruin the world. God woke me with a purpose, these "elves" did not wake me up even though their songs tell us to "wake". I was awakened by God, and then realized they were singing these songs. I'll say it again and again... remember, these "ELF" Celebrities did NOT know God was going to show me the secret rituals of Freemasonry which led me to figure out Sept. 11th, Twin Tower Attacks was done by our own Government. Nor did they realize I would find out the connection with all actors, astronauts, and all of our media/newspapers/radio/authors that are "ELVES". THAT was from God's guidance, not theirs. Actors KNEW Sept. 11th, 2001 was done by freemason "elves", so Hollywood IS a HUGE part of Freemasonry and what happened on Sept 11th. Don't be fooled. Whatever their plan is, using "wake up" or "don't wake up" in their songs,... it's coming from EVIL, NOT GOD and definitely nothing good. BEWARE!! And don't feed the Beast by buying their products or music CD/downloads. If you want to research what I have said to you... use the music you already own or borrow it from someone. Understand the information that is on Wiki and the internet IS flooded with lies and misguiding info. by these "elves" so you will have major difficulty getting the truth. Best bet... READ A BIBLE. Also, you can know what I'm telling you is the truth, if you see Netflix movies that have freemason hidden messages and symbols in them. Freemasons will NOT give up their rituals. So if you watch NFL Football games, their camera's will focus on Freemason numbered jersey's (3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 23, 32, 33, 40, 50). The show Big Brother also has Freemason symbols in it. Dan's bandana has the "roset", alien themed games or pig/cow's in their games, VETO= OTEV (mirror transformation) was a prior game. Look for "12", "3", "9", "23", "32", "33" in commercials, TV Shows, or walk down to your nearest graveyard... WWII Vets and people that belonged to Masonic Temples will have the Freemason or Eastern Star Symbol on their gravestone. You will notice that these masons died, married, or were born on the "11"th (they could have altered their death date to fit a Freemason number). How creepy is that?? :S What I'm telling you is TRUTH, we American's may not want to think about death, demons, God, or faith...but it's effecting ALL of us NOW.

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