Sunday, August 5, 2012


"Elves" have lied about their relationship with American Indians. Then wrote many books about it as if Christian's were responsible for the mass killings of those indians. Who were the leaders of these military army's? "ELVES" were the leaders. Grant, Custard, etc. were all "elves". The "elves" love their own brutal history. Governments have put indian's on reservations (the Priest Movie talks about "wolves" being put on reservations. Wolves equal "Elf" indians) to take care of them, knowing full well that they were of the same blood lineage. Indians led destructive lives not because they were forgotten... but because they were "elf cursed". I'd smoke, drink, and drive with a death wish, if I was a part of Satan's "Elf Agenda". If you watch movies, like "Charlie Wilson's War" and others, you will find that Indian's are honored by placing them in the films. "Indian Trails" busline, "Mohawk" carpet are a few examples of how businesses showcase them. Even the famous band, "The Village People", were made to represent the jobs, hobbies, and history of ELVES. The indian, the police officer, the army soldier, the motorcyclist, and the fireman. Satan is VERY sneaky.  are a few examples of how businesses showcase them. Recall the famous words Hillary Clinton once said, "It takes a village to raise a child". The village she was refering to was the "elf villages" that colonized America.

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