Saturday, August 18, 2012


Your children's school textbooks and history books are written by "elves". They have "elf" history in them, not Christian history. The "elves" have taken over most, if not all, of our publishing companies and many, many elves are writers, book authors, and journalists. Look at the "theme" titles of the books being sold to elementary kids in your school system. They are often dark, scary, wizard, and ghost oriented books. Mom's, this is done with biblical intention to HARM and CORRUPT your children's minds. Do your kids a BIG favor, and DON'T BUY those EVIL books. History books at the High School level are inaccurate, corrupted, lying texts. Rosa Parks was an ELF, along with all the other "elf" people made to look important in those texts. This is America, American books should be NON-biased and all INCLUSIVE... but the "EVIL ELVES" deceived us. "ELVES" only care about themselves. They are selfish, and Godless. The world MUST "AWAKEN" to their evil deeds. Protest at your schools about these aweful books. Notice too that children, in general, are lying more and more. This is from "elf" TV programming, "elf" authored books, and "elf students" who go to your children's schools who are PROMOTING LYING. The "ELVES" do it with a PURPOSE. Know that "elves" feel that God has forsaken them, so they want the rest of the world to go to Hell with them so they won't be alone. The truth is THEY left God, that is why they are being punished. If they would return to Him, he would be merciful. But they are a stubborn race. Some "elf" students have made themselves noticable. They often have dyed hair (black), tattoo's, piercings, or wear the Batman T-Shirts. Many elves are Harley-DAVID motorcyclists.

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