Sunday, August 12, 2012


I've been educating myself on Al-Qaida and the Taliban since Sept. 11th, 2001. When the Twin Towers Attack hit, I asked God "why those arab men would hate our country so much to attack it?". 10 years later, almost to the day, God answered me. It was not the answer I wanted to hear. I thought the answer would be misunderstanding, lack of communication among nations, but instead the answer became about evil and Freemasonry. I'd seen the Shriner's in parades, and thought it was just an old time organization for retiree's to gather and have cake and coffee. I was WAY off track on the truth. What I came to know is those men in those parades were traitors to the America they claimed to serve. Freemasonry was masked to seem innocent, and antique, but the reality was it's a big, practicing organization of world-wide "ELF businessmen" that kept secrets and lies from Americans and the world's citizens. Freemasonry is the GATEWAY TO SATANIC RITUAL AND HELL. Everything I knew, and was taught in history class, was a LIE. I was brainwashed like all the rest of America. If not for the greatness of God AlMighty, I never would have figured out the TRUTH. I wouldn't wish knowing what I know about "elves", freemasonry, LA, and my government on my worst of enemies. Evil is a dark corner. To extinguish Satan, the light has to be cast on him. I'm university educated, have a strong moral foundation from my parents, and I HATE LIARS. The truth has always been important to me. Perhaps that's why God woke me. Growing up, my idol was Wonder Woman and her lasso of truth. I can remember spinning around in my basement so I'd change into my super power costume. I always thought saving the world from evil would be a cool job. God is humorous. When Occupy Movement protests started... one revelation lead to another revelation. Piece by piece it all became a clearer puzzle. The things I had learned about Muslims and their faith, helped put the puzzle together. I've watched Kate Winslet, forcibly compelled to say the word "golden" on TV, seen actors say "fireflies", "wolves", and "12", listen to singers use words like "lion", "mafia", and "superhero", and Tim McGraw wear very ugly "GOLD" outfits...all the while thinking they were nuts. Aliens makes more sense then humans that have to say stupid words on command because of some prehistoric organization. There is no rationality with "elves" behavior. I know that "elves" and freemasonry are the Anti-Christ. Yet I will still cling to the belief and hope that "elves" can be saved, if they leave Satan's practices behind them, and come clean to the world. Do I still feel betrayed by them? Of course. They can't harm me, but they have destroyed themselves. Satan's convinced the "elves" that they are unloved by God. So they rebel, and repel God. Israeli's do not go by the old Testament, because they KNOW they have rewritten it. I know too. They "transformed" it to harm Christianity. But Satan is no match for God. God's message sent by Jesus was still able to get through to people in the Bible. Satan did not corrupt how God shows us we can be worthy to Him. You don't have to be PERFECT for God to shine his love on you, I wasn't. He made us that way, but you DO have to show GOD the RESPECT he deserves. HE made all things in His BEAUTIFUL WAY. On Sept. 16, 2011, the day before OWS occurred, I never would have thought God would send me down this path. I bow down to God for giving me such a big responsibility. I won't let God and Jesus down. No option.

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