Sunday, October 28, 2012


If you're planning on voting for any political figure, realize they are ALL, dirty descendants (swerbeH; flip it). It doesn't matter which candidate you choose, state or local, they are all sending our system down the tubes. It's all lies, and no truth with (werbeH) politicians. I'm not voting this year. It's my way of opposing what is taking place in our government. If you are new to my blog you will need to know two things. One, I found out every nation's people globally are Hebrew. That means YES, YOU are a Hebrew person (Adam and Eve). Whether you are Asian, Spanish, Black, White, etc. we are all ONE race. But the people who are corrupting our country with intention, and perhaps because of God's wrath against them, are the Israelite descendants (the "chosen people") which I, and they refer to themselves, call "Elves". As in Santa= Satan elves. Our nation is filled with bizarre happenings and murders because of these dirty "elves". They made up Atheism and Darwinism to lead us all down a path to doubt whether there was a God and Jesus. When all along they've lived there whole lives believing there definitely is a God. Bad things were happening to them as a result of God's anger, and probably Satan also, and they all kept silent. Hurricane's that hit Virginia and Carolina are NO accident, those are states heavily populated by these dirty descendants. Tornado's in Kansas... same. God is very real, and everything that happens around us, happens for a reason.

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