Tuesday, October 23, 2012


OK, I really, really don't wanna put anyone in a panic, especially students, yet I feel I have to be honest with information I'm concerned about. This may be nothing, so don't freak out, don't quit your job over this, go to classes, ...but I'd like you to start thinking about the relevance of the coming date 12-21-12. It's the end of the Mayan calendar, and at first I blew it off thinking this is just another day that the "dirty elves" are making a big stink about for no reason. But I just came across important information about Mary Magdalene and Jesus that might suggest that I'm the "Holy Grail", and because Cinderella (me) turns back into rags at the the strike of 12 midnight, perhaps December 21, 2012 might actually be Judgement Day. 12-21-12 is a weird transformation flip...in that "21" (an important freemason number) can flip to 12. This would make it 12-12-12 happening twice this December. I know many "dirty elves" were getting married on 11/11/11 this year. I also recognize that some singers are making "Goodbye" songs; Avil Lavigne and David Cook, Third Day is coming out with a "Miracle" album, and Christmas albums are coming out early this year. This worries me. If you think back to "The Wizard of Oz" Dorothy only had so much time before her "end was near" (sand clock), and the dirty descendants have been trying to push me to get my information out quick with my flyers...which I have been ignoring because I don't want to be controlled by them any longer. Again, please please don't panic. This could be nothing, or it might mean ...rush out and get your Bible and say LOTS of prayers time.  I'm not sure. I just felt it would be uncaring not to let you know. As I've said, even though Hollywood always paints "Judgement Day" as the end of the world... I believe that to be a lie, and that Jesus will be coming back to live for 1000 years more. I also just found out that in the movie "While You Were Sleeping", that the girl met the man she had a crush on (AKA: Jesus)...on Sept 17th...the SAME day I woke up to God's messages. May be nothing, may be something. Just enjoy your lives, make the most of them, and take time to "get in good standing with God and Jesus" and tell those close to you how much you love them (just to play it safe). I absolutely HATE having to tell you all this information, but I'm about TRUTH...and my heart tells me I should not leave anyone in the dark with things I'm aware of. Call your parents and friends to inform them too. Stay calm, cuz God's with you guys.

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