Thursday, February 21, 2013


This is incredibly crazy sounding, but the elves are leading me to believe that Jesus may come to Mary Magdalene in the image she wants Him to. May or may not be true. I'm fully aware that every move I make, is His desire for me to find. Several things made me think there was something fatefully different about this particular model, that Jesus wanted me to notice. The majority of male models are made to look like Jesus, and the same with women models. They look like the blonde (chubby cheeked), or ginger/red hair colored Mary Magdalene (a few brunette's also). I think the fashion industry doing that is completely wacked, but that's the facts. Women drooling over Jesus' image, feels yucky, not faith-based. Here is a photo of a male model that could POTENTIALLY be your King, Jesus Christ. I'm not for sure on this. I'm ONLY posting it out of curiousity and for a fun fascination of what Jesus "MIGHT" look like in a modern way. I'll tell you, I'm not even close to certain on don't quote me on this one. One thing I am quite certain of is that these fallen Hollywood and DC government angels KNOW exactly what Jesus looks like. They are in full contact with Him. So when the History channel does a special episode on what they "think" Jesus looked like,... the angels are lying to you and trying to mislead the public. I feel very confident that Jesus has green eyes, not brown or blue.


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