Thursday, December 6, 2012


Welcome to those from the Saginaw area. I'd like to get you up to speed on my blogs, so you are not confused. Through revelations from Jesus and God on Sept 17, 2011, I have learned that all Hollywood "Stars", music industry bands, "our" presidents and congress, "our" lying news/radio industry, the Pope's, our pastors and evangelical preachers, porn "stars", CEO's of our leading business companies, American Indians, pro sports athletes, Olympic athletes, fashion models, firefighters, and "our" police officers are "dirty elf Israelites", or "dirty "fallen" angels" as I now know them to be. These are the (swerbeH; flip it) that were the "chosen people" by God. There is NO "New World Order" taking place. These Israelites have always had leadership in every country. They have had the power since the beginning, and the money. They have had their own secret society known as Freemasonry which marks and stains all our business logo's. They cruelly mock all people that are "in the dark" by using "elf code words". Because they are our journalists, english teachers, and book writers they have manipulated our minds, beliefs, and even our trendy "sayings". They are Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Plato, Rosa Parks, the Wright Brothers, Thomas Edison, Julius Caesar, etc. Any person that was famous and in our history books (published by dirty elves) was an Israelite. Israelites have extra long or wide ears, and go by specific names to identify themselves. I'm thinking there are 50- 75% Israelites in USA. All nations people are (werbeH), and our larger ears are evidence that we are all ONE people (from Adam and Eve). I do have proof that these people are human born angels. Whether they are from God or Satan, I'm not sure. These "people" have contaminated our society and our globe with lie after lie and harm. STAR = RATS. None of our pastors have EVER mentioned Jesus or Mary Magdalene being reincarnated. More lies from them. They committed Sept. 11th Twin Tower Attack, have murdered, begun unnecessary wars, and have pit American's against other countries... on purpose. North Korea's leader IS of Israelite descent. If these "dirty elf angels" turn out to be from God, I'm looking forward to Jesus explaining WHY he would do this to humanity. Prepare for Dec. 21, 2012.  12's are important numbers to freemasons. Flip 21, and you get 12-12-12. Also 21 is Black Jack, and Jack is another term used to mean Jesus. Like "Jack Dawson" from Titanic, "Jack" JFK, or Jack Black. The movie Da Vinci Code #2 talked about the "Path of Enlightenment". This path equates to Dorothy's "Yellow Brick Road" she goes down to get to the Emerald City (Heaven). My journey, the road I drive down to pass out flyers and tell you the truth of these Israelites, IS the Yellow Brick Road. I know that for a fact. As Dec. nears toward the 21st I will give you more facts to back up what I am telling you, plus interesting facts of my life that let you know I'm the reincarnation of Mary Magdalene (Jesus' wife). The Statue of Liberty and the Mona Lisa painting are Mary Magdalene. She never was a prostitute.  The church tarnished her good character. For now, enjoy the moments we have here on Earth. If Dec. 22 comes with no sign of Christ, or the end of the world.... I will be the FIRST thankful one. lol But we are at the END of the Bible, if you read Revelations. The bride gives the water of life to people. If you STILL question whether there is a God and Jesus, don't. They exist, and so do angels. Trust me. Remember the Santa Claus #3 movie, with Tim Allen, where Santa (Jesus) comes back to Earth to find his wife (a teacher)? That movie is being truthful. Here's a video of Celine (who is an Israelite) singing "My Heart Will Go On". Notice the "BRIDE" floating. Watch:

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