Monday, December 17, 2012


I was allowed to see by Jesus that the bully's of our nation have always been these Israelites. Think back to the names of students that would pick fights in your school halls. I bet they are on my list of dirty elf names. Yet the one's that are singing about ending bullying, are also these same Israelite's. They play both sides. These fallen angels live hypocritical, fraudulent lives. Meanwhile, as they only hire their own kind for work, others are left on the streets... jobless, and without money. The Anti-Christ fallen angels have filled our churches, filled them with scripture that was inaccurate, and have made themselves look like "Hero's", through church functions, by feeding the jobless and homeless that they stole the jobs away from in the beginning. Very dirty handed. The Public and Private School Administrations and the majority of teachers in those schools are these dirty Israelites. That is why the schools are failing your children. They are intentionally incompetent so these new Charter Schools can be put into place. It's shameful. Israelite arrogance can be seen in these music video's they have made. They have no remorse for their lies:
Notice the "smiley face" on their stage that represents Mary Magdalene:

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