Sunday, December 30, 2012
I don't know what God and Jesus have in store for us. Jesus sent ONE person to save the world from fallen angels (dirty Israelite descendants) that own, run, and inhabit the vast majority of our planet? Not gonna happen. Prepare for things not to get better, but worse. I turned on the TV for less than 10 minutes, and "elf" lies keep rolling off their tongues. Obama talks of working out gun control with teachers, gun manufacturer's, and businesses that sell guns, so deaths don't occur in schools. What a joke. Israelites MAKE the guns, and ARE the government, teachers, and public school administrators. Don't expect change. It absolutely breaks my heart to be the one to tell people about the evil that resides in our country. If these "people" are going to Heaven, then I will gladly sign up to live in Hell. If you are watching football, ask yourself why black players have the last name Washington, and Jefferson? Slaves were brought into the United States, had relationships with plantation owners, because they ALREADY were these "fallen angels". The KKK, TV shows, and laws were put in place to create racial tension in our country, meanwhile the Israelites (blacks and whites) were in collution together all along. As I've told others, you don't have to believe the things I'm telling you. But eventually things will get so bad, you won't be able to deny the horrors that happen. If I'm not "Cinderella", then why is it that Hollywood has recently made so many Disney fairy tales lately????? Best Buy, and other stores, had the Cinderella movie at their front entrance showcasing it when I first "woke up".
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
The letters that were written by Benjamin Franklin (another Israelite), as "Silence Dogood" were written in reference to me, a mid-aged widow (black widow; Jesus' "widow"). The invisible map in the movie, National Treasure, is refering to Jesus... the "invisible man". Making what was undetectable, detectable... with "heat" (aka: passion). She says, "no one knew, it was there all this time". The "treasure" that has been fought over for centuries and moved around is Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
The most important thing for me is to make sure I'm NOT leading people toward anything that is evil. These Israelites have ALL lied. They committed the Oklahoma bombing, and Sept. 11th. I don't think it's wise to believe these "fallen angels" are on God's side. To me Carrie Underwood, George Bush, and Timothy McVeigh are all on the same team. If you've seen Netflix movies, you will notice many of their films have begun to speak more of religion, faith, God, Rapture, etc. These films, like music industry songs, will try to mislead you and your thoughts. Outing "elf" names is the best way I can "save you" from their satanic ways. For example, the new movie "The Host" is coming out. I see now that "Host" does not mean an alien, I see it means "The HOST of a get together party"; the host is Jesus. I see that the movies lead character is me fighting to remain alive in this world, that it's a love story between Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and that what invades their bodies are reincarnated souls such as Mary Magdalene has "invaded" mine. Even though I'm aware of their reference to Jesus, it still does not mean these actors and the film industry are trustworthy or are working for God and Jesus. It very well could mean the opposite. Here's a few trailer's to show you:
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Thankfully, I and the world are still alive. If you are still a non-believer of the things which I have told you... ask yourself, how many "Adam's" and "Jerry's" will have to do horrible crimes before you are willing to wake up? I'm a Mom with two beautiful kids. Why would a Mom risk her family, her own life, spend her money on gas with the possibility of being sent to jail, unless she's telling you the truth? I have TOO MUCH too lose by warning you. Our only power now is with or money and our voices. Save what you earn (don't feed the true Beast), spread (globally) what God and Jesus have told me (you DO have power to do that), and make calls to complain to our government about what is going on. They need to feel the pressure of what they have allowed to happen. I love my country, and only want good things for it and our people. I know you all want the same thing. If you do happen to have oversized ears, it proves you are (werbeH; flip it), the ears are not as important as the specific names. These "fallen angels" KNOW what they are.. whether they are receiving devine knowledge and instruction, or whether the information is passed down through their parents, I'm unsure. I'll keep adding more names to my "Black Book". Keep faith and hope. Merry Christmas everyone.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Sorry to burst any bubbles about Christmas songs, but if you listen carefully you will notice that our traditional Christmas songs, by all different singers,... can be flipped to singing about Mary Magdalene's journey to awaken you. Also the "angels that sing" in traditional songs are refering to our current day singers in the music industry...not old time angels. I did hear a song speak of Christ's coming with snowfall, like in the Wizard of Oz, and not a disastrous Apocalyptic event. Consider "dawn" ("Breaking Dawn, Red Dawn, Dawn Rider, From Dusk Til Dawn, etc) as the time something MIGHT happen.
End of the world is still up in the air to me what will happen, if anything. The ole' saying comes to me, "Life sucks, then you die". LOOOOL These "dirty elf angels" are TRULY crazy. I can't imagine listening to all these songs for a 100 years KNOWING and singing about 1 girl and Jesus. I'm soooo thankful God and Jesus kept me blind and blonde to all this. If my "expiration date" <= (another Heaven word, LOL) is up... Jesus was the one that "took me for a ride" I won't forget. :D *I've added more names to the Black Book of the Living Dead2. Here's some songs of Michael Jackson's about my journey:
I find out that Hannah Montana and the woman in "The Closer" (AKA: Thee End) TV Show are Mary Magdalene.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
The BIG secret that these fallen angels have kept, and I've made reference before about, is that almost EVERY song ever written and song by bands that date back to the beginning of music ARE singing about Jesus and Mary Magdalene's love, His love for her, her reincarnated journey to "drive" or "dance" that warn American's about Israelite descendants. I believe this was Jesus' way, using angels, to win His wifes heart back. To let me know I am not alone in my road travels to speak the truth. I've listened to over 1000 songs, and all of these songs are speaking to Mary Magdalene. It's been humbling to hear them, but I'm also getting tired of hearing about me. lol Key words and the way in which all these songs have been interwoven, repetitive lyrics and song titles, led me to realize the bands were all human reincarnated angels, and they were leading "Gretel" with a bread crumb trail. Their ears are their "wings". "Aliens" were always the cloak to actually being angels. Freemasonry is all about flipping things in order to have two different meanings to things. If you listen to Adam Levine's CD "Over-Exposed", or Nickelback, it's easiest to understand. When Adam Levine sings the song Harder to Breathe, it's literally hard to breathe because I have I believe if you look at the majority of movie titles and their story lines, you will find that movies are about Magdalene's journey, Jesus and her, and are Heaven inspired. As creepy as it seems, the reason Jason Myers from Friday The 13th keeps getting up and killing again... is because these fallen angels have made him to be God or Jesus. I know, it very wrong. The movie "The Forgotten" is about Mary Magdalene's forgetting who she is, but also about the courage of a Mom's love for her kids. Just as Jesus and Mary are in all genre's of music, they are in all genre's of movies. I'm quite sure they are in TV programming, and books but I haven't the time to research it. I've waited to inform you guys of this because you don't need to be wasting all your time listening to twisted songs. They flip flop our fate, so we don't know what will occur. In some songs they will try to make Mary M. seem crazy, or stupid. These angels do know some key information about my life, but they don't know my true feelings, and strength. They even go so far to make dirty songs about Jesus and Mary. I'm telling you this now, so if something happens to only me, then the world knows the truth of the music and movie industry. Spread what I have told you to all you know... it's what Jesus wants.
This scene that was made of Superman fighting The Hulk represents Mary Magdalene and Jesus fighting as man and wife. Marvel comics, and songs sing about us fighting. The reason for that fight is IF these dirty angels (Israelite descendants) and Freemasonry WERE working for God and Jesus, and not working for Satan, I'm not going to agree with that. Yes, I would want all people to go to Heaven. But the astronomical lies, evils, and terrorist activties these "people" have committed have severely corrupted and crippled our world. I would not want to believe that God and Jesus would stand in agreement of a secret society, pornography, adultery, suicide, terror attacks, violent and sexual TV and movies, DUI's, alcoholism, smoking, etc. Following the Sept. 11 attack, I learned just how vicious and cruel Israel was toward Palestinians. To learn that a huge number of these same "people" were living in the United States was devastating to me. These Israelites ALL kept "the secret" that could have changed the world if ONE of them spoke up. CENTURIES are globe has suffered needless wars... deaths (of their own doing). It's wrong. I see a fallen angel like Celine Dion, and realize she was able to reach her full potential BECAUSE she was raised to know Jesus truly existed. She got to where she was, not just by hard work, but by racial selection of her because she was an Israelite. Our famous philosopher's weren't intelligent by their own merit, they were given devine knowledge which others did not possess. Our history books are full of Israelites that got on those pages by racial selection and by the dirty money that put them there. It bothers me IF God and Jesus had so little faith in humans, that they had to litter the world with these human angels with "extra talents". Imagine if ALL kids had those same chances, and the power of Jesus in their lives. How fabulous the world would have been. That saddens me above all things. Yes, it's cool that Jesus would sacrifice his true love for over 40 years, Mary M., to send her back to Earth to "save the world". The ONLY reason I have not been killed off is God and Jesus told the Israelites they were not to harm me. I know that. But I was not given prior knowledge of who I was reincarnated from, these "angels" were. I chose to warn my countrymen/women of the revelations and knowledge I learned because I felt it was right and just. I've spent my WHOLE life trying to avoid the early death my Mom had as a result of birth control pills. All I've ever wanted was to stick around long enough so I could see my grandkids that my Mom never had the chance too. With Dec. 21 looming, and prophecy, it seems Jesus wants his wife back. I've made it clear to Jesus and God if I have to be sacrificed so the world can live on..., I will do it, despite my own wishes. Knowing what I know now, I'd still make the same chose to warn Americans. Our country was crumbling because of these Israelites. They had to be "outed". I realize prophecy and Dec. 21st will play out the way God wants it. But I do think Mary Magdalene needs a break from being's exhausting. Here's the video:
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Welcome to all Bath residences. To make sense of my blogs, please go back to my early blogs for better understanding. If you feel comfortable, please copy off my flyer and pass it around to other neighbors in your subdivision. I felt badly that I ran out of my flyers and could not get to all the homes. This is important for all American's to be aware of. I was going to post a big "fallen angel" (the "Chosen Ones") secret of theirs tonight, but I will post it tomorrow. I apologize for that... too tired to blog now. Sorry the fonts and color are off... I've tried to correct them, but with no luck.
Disney played Freemason trickery on it's audience. Watch the intro to Beauty and the Beast's story and notice the Fleur-de-lis (a symbol of Mary Magdalene) on the end of the prince's sword, when he answers the door to turn the old hag away. The "Prince" is actually Mary Magdalene with her auburn red hair, red cape, and crown. She is the one the hag turns into the Beast, not the Prince (Jesus). The blonde princess is me (the reincarnated Mary). And Belle is really the one that is suppose to represent Jesus (she wears blue, white, green, and gold throughout the movie). Hollywood and Disney view me (the reincarnation of Mary Magdalene) as "The Beast" because I am fighting against their Israelite lies, that they've been hiding in my country, and the evils they are doing. I've since learned they are actually human born (reincarnated) "fallen angels" (with rat like ears). My daughter told me she thought the "magic mirror" of "The Beast" was my Ipod I've used to "out" the Israelites on Twitter. :) When Dec 21 comes, it's my belief that the Israelites "curse" by God may be broken. And Beauty and the Beast will still love one another...because true love lasts forever.
Aquinas College,
Battle Creek,
Calvin College,
DaVinci Code,
Holy Grail,
Hope College,
Kalamazoo College,
Mary Magdalene,
Monday, December 17, 2012
I was allowed to see by Jesus that the bully's of our nation have always been these Israelites. Think back to the names of students that would pick fights in your school halls. I bet they are on my list of dirty elf names. Yet the one's that are singing about ending bullying, are also these same Israelite's. They play both sides. These fallen angels live hypocritical, fraudulent lives. Meanwhile, as they only hire their own kind for work, others are left on the streets... jobless, and without money. The Anti-Christ fallen angels have filled our churches, filled them with scripture that was inaccurate, and have made themselves look like "Hero's", through church functions, by feeding the jobless and homeless that they stole the jobs away from in the beginning. Very dirty handed. The Public and Private School Administrations and the majority of teachers in those schools are these dirty Israelites. That is why the schools are failing your children. They are intentionally incompetent so these new Charter Schools can be put into place. It's shameful. Israelite arrogance can be seen in these music video's they have made. They have no remorse for their lies:
Notice the "smiley face" on their stage that represents Mary Magdalene:
Notice the "smiley face" on their stage that represents Mary Magdalene:
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Symbols of Mary Magdalene, and me (reincarnated to resurrect Jesus Christ's name) can be found throughout our country and globally. Remain aware that famous nursey rhymes, everyday "phrases", poems, terminology, theories have all been thought up by dirty "elf" descendants.
The All Seeing "Eye": Eagle Eye Movie, Target Store Logo= Bull's Eye, The "Eye of Shangri-La", The TV show "The View", The "eye" of a Hurricane, the Red Eye Concord plane, Red "Eye" Reduction in camera's, DQ's Eye Logo, EyeMart,
The "X" (equates to the X Chromosome in a female; Sacred Feminine): The TV show "X-Factor", " EXit Signs", "Fed-EX" (green and red), the skull and cross bones (X sideways), X in hugs and kisses, X marking the spot for Pirates buried treasure, the butterfly shape can be an X, X-rated movies, X-mas,
"P.S." in letters = Princess Scarlet, "S" on MSU Spartan flags and hats are Scarlet,
Statue of Liberty = Beacon of Hope and Light
Rose Bowl Parade, Tournament, Stadium
Merry-Go-Rounds- named after Mary Magdalene, Horse Carousel's "Brass Ring" symbolizes the "Lucky ONE".
M & M candies = Mary Magdalene
Giants, Eagles Football team name refers to the reincarnated Mary Magdalene (height being 6ft.)
Mary Magdalene is the "NutCracker" (since Elves are Nuts), she's Glinda (in Wicked Musical), she's Loti (in the Phantom of the Opera), her story is in "Les Miserables", she's Hannah Montana :D, she's "The Closer" (AKA: Thee End) in the TV Show, she's the "Bud Light" (Jesus' buddy), she's "Red Bull" Energy Drink,
Eagle= On mailboxes, on US money, on Wonder Woman's original costume, the eagle in Miley Cyrus video, "Can't Be Tamed" video.
Red "Stop" signs, red "Stop" lights, red New Years Eve Ball, red ruby slippers, Red Roof Inn, Red Robin Restaurant, red "Angry Birds", red cars (also means the blood of Israelites to stick together), "Red Box",
Names for Mary Magdalene= Maria, Josephine, Roxanne, Annie (Annie movie), Wendy (the Restaurant/Peter Pan movie), Alice (in Wonderland), Molly?, Jane, Lucy, Madonna, The Virgin (Airlines/Train), Bride of Frankenstein, the yellow "Smiley Face", "Sunshine", Destiny's Child, "Happiness" (like "The Pursuit of Happyness movie), "Anastasia" (the story of Anastasia losing her memory and being lost was actually a story made up by Russian descendants to represent Mary Magdalene's journey), (refers to Amazon Island; Wonder Woman),
"The A Team" refers to Freemasonry Team. "A" is the compass. "V" is the compass upside down and refers to Vampires that are the Israelites (Living dead). "W" refers to Wolverines or Werewolves that are Israelite American Indians. The vehicle hood ornament "VW" is a symbol of both.
The All Seeing "Eye": Eagle Eye Movie, Target Store Logo= Bull's Eye, The "Eye of Shangri-La", The TV show "The View", The "eye" of a Hurricane, the Red Eye Concord plane, Red "Eye" Reduction in camera's, DQ's Eye Logo, EyeMart,
The "X" (equates to the X Chromosome in a female; Sacred Feminine): The TV show "X-Factor", " EXit Signs", "Fed-EX" (green and red), the skull and cross bones (X sideways), X in hugs and kisses, X marking the spot for Pirates buried treasure, the butterfly shape can be an X, X-rated movies, X-mas,
"P.S." in letters = Princess Scarlet, "S" on MSU Spartan flags and hats are Scarlet,
Statue of Liberty = Beacon of Hope and Light
Rose Bowl Parade, Tournament, Stadium
Merry-Go-Rounds- named after Mary Magdalene, Horse Carousel's "Brass Ring" symbolizes the "Lucky ONE".
M & M candies = Mary Magdalene
Giants, Eagles Football team name refers to the reincarnated Mary Magdalene (height being 6ft.)
Mary Magdalene is the "NutCracker" (since Elves are Nuts), she's Glinda (in Wicked Musical), she's Loti (in the Phantom of the Opera), her story is in "Les Miserables", she's Hannah Montana :D, she's "The Closer" (AKA: Thee End) in the TV Show, she's the "Bud Light" (Jesus' buddy), she's "Red Bull" Energy Drink,
Eagle= On mailboxes, on US money, on Wonder Woman's original costume, the eagle in Miley Cyrus video, "Can't Be Tamed" video.
Red "Stop" signs, red "Stop" lights, red New Years Eve Ball, red ruby slippers, Red Roof Inn, Red Robin Restaurant, red "Angry Birds", red cars (also means the blood of Israelites to stick together), "Red Box",
Names for Mary Magdalene= Maria, Josephine, Roxanne, Annie (Annie movie), Wendy (the Restaurant/Peter Pan movie), Alice (in Wonderland), Molly?, Jane, Lucy, Madonna, The Virgin (Airlines/Train), Bride of Frankenstein, the yellow "Smiley Face", "Sunshine", Destiny's Child, "Happiness" (like "The Pursuit of Happyness movie), "Anastasia" (the story of Anastasia losing her memory and being lost was actually a story made up by Russian descendants to represent Mary Magdalene's journey), (refers to Amazon Island; Wonder Woman),
"The A Team" refers to Freemasonry Team. "A" is the compass. "V" is the compass upside down and refers to Vampires that are the Israelites (Living dead). "W" refers to Wolverines or Werewolves that are Israelite American Indians. The vehicle hood ornament "VW" is a symbol of both.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Is it coincidence that this picture of me looks a little like Wonder Woman when she wore a blonde wig in order to win the chance to go off "Paradise Island (Heaven)".... I see it, do you?
This is one of my favorite songs by Stellar Revival. It tells the story of how Jesus and my love for Him (Mary Magdalene's; mine too) have made us both ALIVE. I feel this way...when I'm driving, to spread His word, He's right beside me.
Just so people understand me, I never hate anyone, I ONLY hate hurtful actions, inequality, and lies. I'm angry over the corruption, job discrimination, fraud, crimes, killings, secret societal codes, and "burning down" our beautiful country. Every life has sacred value. And living has never meant so much to me, considering it could be taken away.
Cinderella's lived a happy life, but never a privileged one. I've been tripping over my own feet since birth. Remember how the step-sisters of Cinderella couldn't fit the glass slipper because their feet were too big to fit it? The irony in that tale, is that Cinderella's REAL foot size was a woman's size 12, not a small size 6. lol The real Cinderella has been 6 feet tall since she was in 6th grade. :D And I was fine with it. I recall my doctor telling my parents that they could give me a drug that would stunt my growth. I clearly remember me saying "no", and thinking to myself that I should grow to the height God wanted me to be. I've always known I was an "old soul", I just had no clue it was Adam and Eve old. lol I took horse riding lessons as a teenager, and the horse was a red-eyed, white haired Albino horse named "Josie" (short for Josephine; another name they call Mary Magdalene by). Growing up, I watched Wonder Woman, wanted to secretly be her so I could fight crime, and her Amazon Island of tall women made me feel I was not alone. Mary Magdalene was from a fishing village, and I dislike any fish or seafood. My favorite number is 8, and some say that May 8th was Mary Magdalene's birthdate. It's also the sign for infinity. I've never liked odd (or prime) numbers, as are in Freemasonry, only even. I've never liked red hair, as Mary was, because my step-witch has red hair. I do like ginger colored horses and dogs though. Two things that comfort me, singing and sewing. My favorite roses are Equadorian roses, yellow with red tips. My drivers license was always "007". I once lived on "North St." (North Star). My dog goes on car rides with me. I unknowingly named her after a church "Abbey". I've often called her Tonto before we take off in the car. Like Cinderella, I speak to animals like they're human. I do that with all animals, except for mice. :D I don't live in a "Tower", but I've always been shy, and my home has always been my castle where I am most comfortable. I've never felt "alone", had belief in God, but I've chosen friendships based on trust. Like most women, I love sappy love stories, and fencing always appealed to me. My kids and I would have many duals during Christmas time with wrapping tubes. :D lol Before I woke up, I had come across a silver masonic templar cross of my Grandma's. It has Jerusalem stamped on the back, and looks royal with an Amethyst stone in the center of it, surrounded by a roset and 5 crosses. I wear this as a symbol to my knighthood to God and Jesus, not to Freemasonry. Since my first revelation, God has made me fearless in my journey. Perhaps knowing God and Jesus are with me on this journey of truth, I don't have a reason to fear. I have a love of driving, it's always made me feel free...perhaps like riding a horse. :) Oddly, a few of my midnight adventures have been with full moon's, and one night it was a distinct half harvest moon. I know my Mom has been my "fairy godmother" through all of this. Her name is also one of the missing Epistles of the Bible. Her whole life she kept Jesus' picture next to her bedside. I'm telling you all my story, because I live my life with nothing to hide... just something to share.
Keep faith in Jesus, and God. Even though the movies show the End of Days being this big terrible event... I believe they are lying. I believe it will be a BIG, quick, and VERY BEAUTIFUL event. Based on what I've seen so far, He doesn't do anything uneventful. The fallen angels wouldn't wish to get there so soon if it wasn't gonna be wonderful. :)
Cinderella's lived a happy life, but never a privileged one. I've been tripping over my own feet since birth. Remember how the step-sisters of Cinderella couldn't fit the glass slipper because their feet were too big to fit it? The irony in that tale, is that Cinderella's REAL foot size was a woman's size 12, not a small size 6. lol The real Cinderella has been 6 feet tall since she was in 6th grade. :D And I was fine with it. I recall my doctor telling my parents that they could give me a drug that would stunt my growth. I clearly remember me saying "no", and thinking to myself that I should grow to the height God wanted me to be. I've always known I was an "old soul", I just had no clue it was Adam and Eve old. lol I took horse riding lessons as a teenager, and the horse was a red-eyed, white haired Albino horse named "Josie" (short for Josephine; another name they call Mary Magdalene by). Growing up, I watched Wonder Woman, wanted to secretly be her so I could fight crime, and her Amazon Island of tall women made me feel I was not alone. Mary Magdalene was from a fishing village, and I dislike any fish or seafood. My favorite number is 8, and some say that May 8th was Mary Magdalene's birthdate. It's also the sign for infinity. I've never liked odd (or prime) numbers, as are in Freemasonry, only even. I've never liked red hair, as Mary was, because my step-witch has red hair. I do like ginger colored horses and dogs though. Two things that comfort me, singing and sewing. My favorite roses are Equadorian roses, yellow with red tips. My drivers license was always "007". I once lived on "North St." (North Star). My dog goes on car rides with me. I unknowingly named her after a church "Abbey". I've often called her Tonto before we take off in the car. Like Cinderella, I speak to animals like they're human. I do that with all animals, except for mice. :D I don't live in a "Tower", but I've always been shy, and my home has always been my castle where I am most comfortable. I've never felt "alone", had belief in God, but I've chosen friendships based on trust. Like most women, I love sappy love stories, and fencing always appealed to me. My kids and I would have many duals during Christmas time with wrapping tubes. :D lol Before I woke up, I had come across a silver masonic templar cross of my Grandma's. It has Jerusalem stamped on the back, and looks royal with an Amethyst stone in the center of it, surrounded by a roset and 5 crosses. I wear this as a symbol to my knighthood to God and Jesus, not to Freemasonry. Since my first revelation, God has made me fearless in my journey. Perhaps knowing God and Jesus are with me on this journey of truth, I don't have a reason to fear. I have a love of driving, it's always made me feel free...perhaps like riding a horse. :) Oddly, a few of my midnight adventures have been with full moon's, and one night it was a distinct half harvest moon. I know my Mom has been my "fairy godmother" through all of this. Her name is also one of the missing Epistles of the Bible. Her whole life she kept Jesus' picture next to her bedside. I'm telling you all my story, because I live my life with nothing to hide... just something to share.
Keep faith in Jesus, and God. Even though the movies show the End of Days being this big terrible event... I believe they are lying. I believe it will be a BIG, quick, and VERY BEAUTIFUL event. Based on what I've seen so far, He doesn't do anything uneventful. The fallen angels wouldn't wish to get there so soon if it wasn't gonna be wonderful. :)
Friday, December 14, 2012
When you wish to look for our National and Global news
stations telling lies. Google the names of those that are involved in
the story. You will find that these names often have ties to big corporations or companies like the one I am showing you now. Recognize that evil dirty descendant Israelites, "fallen angels", last names come from wealth. These evil fallen angels have endless last names. I can't keep up with the amount of last names they hide under in order to warn you about them. Just know our media is evil. I hope this tool and information will help you realize the TRUTH.
By KEVIN DOLAK (@kdolak)
Dec. 13, 2012
The 46-year-old nurse who worked at London's King Edward VII Hospital was discovered Dec. 7 hanging by a scarf from a wardrobe in her bedroom, Coroner's Officer Lynda Martindill told a British inquest.
The wife and mother of two also had injuries to her wrists, according to police detective chief inspector James Harman.
Harman told the coroner's inquest that two notes were found at the scene and a third was discovered among Saldanha's belongings.
He did not release the contents of the notes.
Undated handout photo of the late nurse... View Full Size
Royal Hospital Hoax: Fallout Continues for DJs Watch Video
Royal Hospital Hoax: End to Shock-Jock Pranks? Watch Video
Australian DJs Apologize in Wake of Nurse's Suicide Watch Video
Saldanha was found dead Friday morning after police were called to an address near the hospital to "reports of a woman found unconscious," according to a statement from Scotland Yard.
Saldanha had worked at the hospital for more than four years.
DJs Mel Greig and Michael Christian of 2Day FM in Sydney called the hospital Dec. 5 pretending to be Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles, looking to speak to Middleton, who was being treated at the hospital for acute nausea related to her pregnancy. The duo were able to obtain information about the duchess' condition.
When the royal impersonators called the hospital, Saldanha put them through to a second nurse who told the royal impersonators that Kate was "quite stable" and hadn't "had any retching."
The radio station, along with Greig and Christian, has apologized for the prank call, and the Australian Communications and Media Authority has now launched an investigation into the incident.
Coroner Fiona Wilcox has adjourned the inquest into Saldanha's death until March 26.
Saldanha Steel
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Saldanha Steel is a South African steel company which was originally formed as a partnership between Iscor Limited and the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC). Saldanha Steel is part of Mittal Steel South Africa which in turn is part of global steel company Arcelor-Mittal.Operations
The R6,8bn Saldanha Steel facilities, situated on the Cape west coast roughly 10 km away from Langebaan Lagoon's ecologically sensitive wetlands, has been designed to produce 1,25 million tons of hot-rolled carbon steel coil per year. The mill was commissioned in 1998.Following the unbundling of Iscor's mining and steel assets, the Industrial Development Corporation has now become a major shareholder of Iscor Ltd.
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I refuse to watch any news on the school shooting in Connecticutt. Those that did the shooting and those that were killed were, no doubt, fallen "dirty descendant" angels. The chaos and murders are meant to question your faith in God, when it's these Israelites that you need to put the blame on. They are the terrorists that plan these "tragedies" out. And I do believe it's ONLY Israelite elves that parish in during these criminal acts. It's all an effort by them to draw your minds to darkness. DON'T listen to their lies. Call Congress and complain. Our government is allowing these incidents to happen needlessly because they are a part of it. Their cries look real but are a "fallen angel" hoax. I have no respect for these news stations that air these lies to the American people. No matter how it LOOKS, American's MUST ignore what is taking place with these "dirty descendants", for your own sanity.
Every day I ask God and Jesus to give me more information so that I can pass along to you what I have learned. I've had to stop watching the news media since "dirty descendant" lies and crazy crimes would push me to be on the road with my flyers every moment of each day. I have to keep some balance in my life. I'm fighting for the people that don't know what is actually happening in our world. For those that don't know, the shooting in "Aurora", Colorado (Sleeping Beauty's name) was done by an Israelite. After that, I had to jump into action. Many of the movies that are produced by Hollywood are about Jesus and Mary Magdalene. I know that "Gone with the Wind" was with "Scarlet". Many, if not most, will be about them in all genre's. The red "S" on Superman's costume is really the mark of "Scarlet". His beaming red eyes give another clue. Mirrors are used in Freemasonry to show that Jesus and Mary Magdalene are reflections of the same person. Ying and Yang, Male and Female, two halves of a whole person. That is why Hollywood's Mary Magdalene's characters are male (also to deceive you). And Jesus is sometimes the personality of the woman. Music video's are filled with mirrored transformations. The movie "Mirror Mirror" was titled for that reason. I would not recommend going out to buy these movies, it's better for you to watch them on YouTube rather than feed The Beast. The "Hobbit" is about my journey. Like "Lord of the RINGS", the "ring" represents the wedding rings of Jesus and Mary M. And if you ever rode a horse carousel, and tried to grab for the lucky brass ring, you know why now. Hollywood "angels" are aware that my life feels like a nightmare. They are using the show "An American Horror Story" to "humorize" what I am going through. Here are a few trailer video's that show me (Mary Magdalene) as the lead "destined" character, and let you know I'm correct about these "stars" being human angels. Israelites are known as "shadows". But they do not protect us from evil, they ARE the evil. My destiny is to make you aware of that.
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