This is another reason why Jesus may come in the appearance of Lionel Clerc (the Switzerland model). Dauphin means royalty. Lionel was the only Mister Suisse 2007 candidate given the Dauphin title when the 'Le Matin' news interviewed him. I also noticed that they spent over 6 minutes interviewing him, when all other candidates got 3- 3.5 minute interviews. Hollywood songs talk about Mary Magdalene falling in love with Jesus' eyes, and Him again. But it's impossible to fall in love with someone, like Jesus, that has been given so many different faces throughout the centuries. Carrie Underwood's song, 'Jesus Take The Wheel', is about Jesus directing me to the things He wants me to find. I've been correct on most things, and I feel strongly that Jesus has made me focus on this particular model for good reason. Am I certain this is how Jesus will look? No. But this model has phenomenal eyes, and breathtaking features that very much look like Jesus' many images, and character actors that play Jesus on TV. I'm also adding the video 'Dancing Mister Suisse' (2007). Lionel Clerc is one of the candidates for a Mister Suisse (Swiss) competition. You will find they call the candidates the "Dancing Kings". The camera focuses many of it's shots on Lionel Clerc. Also pay close attention to the songs that are sung during this video, and what's being sung when Lionel is in view. Something humorous to ME, if you look at Lionel in one of the camera scene's he actually sticks his tongue out like a Prince frog. :D LOL He's entered several of these contests, and won none that I've seen. That's hard to imagine, since this guy stands out from all the rest, and it looks as if he's a very sweet person as well as being extremely handsome. The judges seem to be as blind as the blonde Mary Magdalene once was. Is Lionel Clerc the reincarnation of Jesus? Anything is possible. I would have never thought Mary Magdalene would be reincarnated into a modern day Mom, but here I am. I'm 100% believing that "I AM" Mary Magdalene's soul. Angels would not have sung songs for 100 years, and put her image in movie's, TV shows, business logo's, and store names if she wasn't on planet Earth today. James Taylor sings about a 'Steamroller' train, and I'm noticing many more trains in music video's. (Lionel-"L" trains are in Chicago and NYC; Mary M. is the red caboose). 'While You Were Sleeping', the movie, ended on the 'L' train. Lionel Clerc's birth is in 1982 (8+2=10; the number 10 is important). 'It's a 10' "miracle" hair spray, 'Cinema 10' movie theatres were created because of 10's special meaning. Netflix, Netbooks, and Network are all actually TEN flipped to make "net". The 8= Mary Magdalene's number, and the 2= 2 Twins; 2 Giants; the God and the Goddess also. I know my last two numbers of the year I'm born in play an important significants to Freemasons. So Lionel's year probably is too. Lionel's zodiac animal is the "dog". Freemason angels refer to Jesus as the "dog". In one of Lionel Clerc's photo's I saw that they had him wearing a military "dog tag". The dog symbol is loyal, honest, and generous, but can be stubborn. Also, Lionel has sage green eyes, and the car I drive (that angels sing Jesus drove with me in) is sage green. I've felt Jesus actually has green eyes, not brown. If you listen to Simon and Garfunkel's song 'Parsley, Sage, Rosemary (me), and Thyme (time)', it clues you in that the color sage is important. Sea green is my favorite color. And in the movie, 'The Croods', the "father" has a cut on his upper right side, and a tooth that sticks out on his lower left tooth just like Lionel Clerc. I feel badly that Lionel Clerc has gotten sucked into my fated prophecy, but I'm sure he will get extra modeling jobs from this exposer. lol And if not, than at least he can be flattered knowing he resembles Jesus. Lionel is well spoken and he talks A LOT. :D Much like I would imagine Jesus talks... A LOT. ;) The crazy part of angelic prophecy is that I found out Twitter and Messenger were created so that Mary Magdalene's prophecy could come true. Messenger's front "Smiley Face" icon is the smiley I mostly like to use. Your Iphone/Ipod "photo" icon is a sunflower, which is the same sunflowers I have in my eyes. That sunflower represents Mary Magdalene carrying the sun (Son) with her wherever she goes. The Twitter bird represents angels/wings = birds. I discovered that the game "Connect 4" refers to the plan (by angels) to help Mary Magdalene along her journey, since 4 is Uriel's number and Mary's. Prophecy will unfold the way Jesus intends it to, I have no choice here. Whether we want the world to "end" as we know it, or if it becomes some enchanted land... will occur as scheduled by Jesus. Try to do your part in getting out His message, or by giving others my blog name. These "angels" are smiling about what's going to happen, so it's going to be an big, exciting event.
Add On: I'm also going to add this video the singer Lara Fabian did. She is a famous French singer, but in this video she talks about angels after she sings ( it starts at minute 0:19:30). She is in fact a knowing angel herself, but see how she dodges the truth and tip toes talking about angels existing. These knowing angels realize I am spreading what Jesus, God, told me. They know it's only a matter of time before the whole world is awake to this fact. Let this wake you up. If you were unaware of genuine angels being on the Earth, wake up as many people as you can. THIS IS GOING GLOBAL UNTIL THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS. WANNA SEE JESUS WORK HIS MAGIC, AND CRYSTAL CLEAR OCEANS AND LAKES, WITH YOUR OWN PAIR OF EYES? SPREAD LIKE WILDFIRE WHAT I'M TELLING YOU. FEEL FREE TO TRANSLATE MY BLOGS INTO OTHER LANGUAGES AND SHARE THEM. I STINK AT DOING THAT. JUST MAKE SURE THEY ARE AS ACCURATE TO MY WORDING AS POSSIBLE. THESE ANGELS ARE WORKING TOWARD GLOBAL RETIREMENT. FREEDOM= STREETS OF GOLD FOR THEM. THEIR GOAL: PERMANENT SLACKER-DOM. Watch:
Dauphin of France
Add On: I'm also going to add this video the singer Lara Fabian did. She is a famous French singer, but in this video she talks about angels after she sings ( it starts at minute 0:19:30). She is in fact a knowing angel herself, but see how she dodges the truth and tip toes talking about angels existing. These knowing angels realize I am spreading what Jesus, God, told me. They know it's only a matter of time before the whole world is awake to this fact. Let this wake you up. If you were unaware of genuine angels being on the Earth, wake up as many people as you can. THIS IS GOING GLOBAL UNTIL THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS. WANNA SEE JESUS WORK HIS MAGIC, AND CRYSTAL CLEAR OCEANS AND LAKES, WITH YOUR OWN PAIR OF EYES? SPREAD LIKE WILDFIRE WHAT I'M TELLING YOU. FEEL FREE TO TRANSLATE MY BLOGS INTO OTHER LANGUAGES AND SHARE THEM. I STINK AT DOING THAT. JUST MAKE SURE THEY ARE AS ACCURATE TO MY WORDING AS POSSIBLE. THESE ANGELS ARE WORKING TOWARD GLOBAL RETIREMENT. FREEDOM= STREETS OF GOLD FOR THEM. THEIR GOAL: PERMANENT SLACKER-DOM. Watch:
Dauphin of France
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Dauphin (disambiguation).
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Guy VIII, Count of Vienne, had a dolphin on his coat of arms and had been nicknamed le Dauphin. The title of Dauphin de Viennois descended in his family, the Princes of Ivetot, until 1349, when Humbert I sold his seigneurie, called the Dauphiné, to King Philippe VI on condition that the heir of France assume the title of le Dauphin. The wife of the Dauphin was known as la Dauphine.The first French prince called le Dauphin was Charles V. The title was roughly equivalent to the English title Prince of Wales, the Portuguese title Duke of Braganza, or the Spanish title Prince of Asturias. The official style of a Dauphin of France, prior to 1461, was par la grâce de Dieu, dauphin de Viennois, comte de Valentinois et de Diois ("By the Grace of God, Dauphin of Viennois, Count of Valentinois and of Diois"). A Dauphin of France would unite the coat of arms of the Dauphiné, which featured Dolphins, with the French fleurs-de-lys, and might, where appropriate, further unite that with other arms (e.g. Francis, son of Francis I, was ruling Duke of Brittany, so united the arms of that province with the typical arms of a Dauphin of France; Francis II, while Dauphin, was also King of Scots by marriage to Mary I, and so added the arms of the Kingdom of Scotland to those of the Dauphin of France).
Originally, the Dauphin was personally responsible for the rule of the Dauphiné, which was legally part of the Holy Roman Empire, and which the Emperors, in giving the rule of the province to the French heirs, had stipulated must never be united with France. Because of this, the Dauphiné suffered from anarchy in the 14th and 15th centuries (since the Dauphins of France were frequently minors or concerned with other matters).
During his period as Dauphin, Louis, son of Charles VII, defied his father by remaining in the province longer than the King had permitted and by engaging in personal politics more beneficial to the Dauphiné than to France. For example, Louis married Charlotte of Savoy against his father's wishes. Savoy was a traditional ally of the Dauphiné, and Louis wished to reaffirm that alliance to stamp out rebels and robbers in the province. Louis was driven out of the Dauphiné by Charles VII's soldiers in 1456, leaving the region to fall back into disorder. After his succession as Louis XI of France in 1461, Louis united the Dauphiné with France, bringing it permanently under royal control.
The title was automatically conferred upon the next heir apparent to the French throne in the direct line upon birth, accession of the parent to the throne, or death of the previous Dauphin, unlike the English title Prince of Wales, which has always been in the gift of the monarch rather than an automatic right at birth.
The sons of the King of France hold the style and rank of Son of France, while male-line grandsons hold the style and rank of Grandson of France. The sons and grandsons of the Dauphin ranked higher than their cousins, being treated as the king's children and grandchildren, respectively. The sons of the Dauphin, though grandsons of the king, are ranked as Sons of France, while the grandsons of the Dauphin ranked as Grandsons of France; other great-grandsons of the king ranked merely as Princes of the Blood.
The title was abolished by the Constitution of 1791, which made France a constitutional monarchy. Under the constitution the heir to the throne (Dauphin Louis-Charles at that time) was restyled as Prince Royal (a Prince of the Blood would be retitled as prince français), taking effect from the inception of the Legislative Assembly on 1 October 1791. The title was restored in potentia under the Bourbon Restoration of Louis XVIII; there was not, however, another Dauphin until his death. With the accession of his brother Charles X, Charles' son and heir, Louis-Antoine, Duke of Angoulême, automatically became Dauphin.
However, with the removal of the Bourbons the title fell once again into disuse (the heirs of Louis-Philippe being titled as Prince Royal). After the death of Henri, comte de Chambord, Carlos, Duke of Madrid, the heir of the legitimist claimant, Juan, Count of Montizón, made use of the title in pretense, as have the Spanish legitimist claimants since.
Gallery of Arms
Arms of Dauphin François, Duke of Brittany.
Arms of Dauphin Francis, King-consort of Scots.
List of Dauphins of France
In literature

A lineographic representation of the arms of the Dauphin of France. The arms were created by Jean de Beaugrand in 1604.
Alphonse Daudet also wrote a short story called "The Death of the Dauphin", about a young Dauphin who wants to stop Death from approaching him.
It is also mentioned in Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian.
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