Saturday, April 6, 2013


Hollywood angels and the churches are lying to the world. Jesus and Mary Magdalene are two equal partners. Jesus did not make her, or make the Archangel Uriel, which is Mary Magdalene. They came to this galaxy of ours together. Archangel Michael has always had his other half with Him. Jesus places great importance in Mary. I can't read the bible any longer. It may well have truthful stories laced in it's book, but there are many stories left out of it that should have been told. Jesus' and Mary Magdalene's relationship for one. Evil angels in Hollywood sing and write movies about Jesus' and Mary's love for one another (hidden), they preach of LOVE now after many intended wars, yet it's complete hypocrisy to me that dirty angels kept the most VALUED story of Jesus' love for Mary Magdalene, and perhaps their child, out of the Bible. If Love is the most important thing we should cherish on Earth, then don't you think the world's people should have known that Jesus had a family with Mary?????  Not only do we no longer have valid religions in this world, we no longer have a faith. Faith that there is an alien God and Goddess to look up to? Yes. But faith in the traditional beliefs of Jesus? No. The truth is JESUS made His "chosen" dirty angels the RICH and wealthy "stars". These "Stars" get to travel the world, own diamonds and fancy jewelry and huge mansions. What simple, modest God allows that????? Do we actually know what type of witchcraft they use in Hollywood films, since only these dirty angels are getting the jobs in Los Angeles?? These angels use a higher telepathy to communicate, and they can see inside my home with some sort of crystal ball/snow globes. Hollywood angels KNOW lilac was my favorite color as a teen, that I love brass beds, that I love bubble bathes with lots of bubbles, what type of furniture I had as a child, that I took guitar lessons as a teen (hence, 'Guitar Hero'), that I love acoustic music, etc. And many more things. Hollywood angels and Jesus have been watching me since I was born. Edward from Twilight IS Jesus. It took me awhile to recall it, but I use to stand on my Dad's shoes while we danced just as Bella and Edward did in the Gazebo scene. Kinda creepy to me, considering I'm a very private/modest person. Jesus has had technologies we can't even dream of, since the beginning of the world. Hollywood calls Him the 'Magic Man' and 'Music Man'. But like the business industry, he lets His knowledge out slowly to our world. He did this throughout history to His "knowing" angels (Prophets, philosophers, inventors, foreseer's of the future). Mary Magdalene as a Goddess brings compassion, understanding, nurturing, patience, and love. All those feminine qualities that are necessary to make a person or "being" whole. I am angry at Jesus. I feel He abandoned the world, when He's been here all along. That He has been in charge of all the rulers, leaders, and Kings of our nations, yet has sat back and let them quarrel amongst each other, dividing our people (Jesus' people). But I know with every bit of my heart, no matter how angry I will be with Jesus, He will never leave me/Mary Magdalene. He's not complete Himself without me. That is: Truth. Elf angels have no understanding just how strong a person I am. They've lived screwed up lives for so long, they can't find wholeness. For that reason too, I'm upset with Jesus. Though dirty angels in Hollywood and worldwide are arrogant losers, they deserved a better life than I feel they got. Even "acting" like a butthead (devil), takes a toll on you. Money means nothing without feeling whole. I pray Jesus will alter them, and my sad heart IF He decides to show up.
Add on: Hell on Earth is actually starting to seem like a much better place. Who knows what alien life we have ahead of us. Wings and pixie life sounds like a big pain in the butt to me. I'd rather listen to greedy commercials for the rest of my days, then hope for my kids to slack off in Heaven. Hard work is good for the soul... there aren't any higher education universities in Heaven. There's no potato chips either. No hands, means no sex. American sinners will enjoy that. Until Jesus calls my number, I'm staying "put" and happy. My kids mean way more than any God that will lie and deceive me. In fact that sounds much more like an alien then any compassionate Savior. "The Chosen" are global terrorists. Think wisely before you side with Hollywood, Washington, and all the dirty elf angels in New York City. Heaven may be packaged all nice and pretty to the world, but since I've learned Jesus' angels are really the devil, I don't trust in where we're all going. You might be signing up for Jesus to pull the plug on the Universe (Earth and Heaven). Ever hear the saying, "If He can bring you into the world, He can just as easily take you out"???? (meaning NO EARTH, NO HEAVEN)

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