Saturday, March 16, 2013


I'm pretty confident that Jesus is going to be taking the world into a futuristic age 1000 years ahead. Justin Bieber's song 'Beauty and the Beat' sing about partying like it's 3012, and there's the movie 'Back To The Future'. Many other Hollywood songs reference 1000 years. The movie Tron: Legacy has made me realize I am "Clue" (like "Blue's Clues"), I'm Sam, and I'm Cora ("Maiden" in Greek; like Cora in Titanic movie), that "Tron" is the computer brain of Earth and at the end of the movie "Clue" becomes the darkside of Jesus, and Kevin Flynn (Fly'N) is Jesus. Does art imitate life, or life imitate art. Which means: when music video's wear black converse shoes, or hoodies like JLo, am I wearing those things because I've seen them wearing them, or have dirty Hollywood Angels looked at my life time line and worn them because they knew I'd be wearing them in my future? For two years now, my life has been playing out like Eagle Eye or Tron. I'm acutely aware of the "clues" Jesus puts in my path of life to lead me where and to what He wants me to see. I see things that are happening, minute by minute, are plotted to be that way for a reason. Hollywood Angels are using mental telepathy (more brain power) to communicate with Jesus, and to know what is going on in my daily life. They use my private life, as a way to trash me in their songs and movies. Hollywood's "demons angels" are suppose to battle me as it is written in the end times in the Bible. It's another reason why I think we are going into the future. Holograms, no diseases, never wanting for anything you will need, and use of more of our mind powers. I don't believe these elf angels look forward to a time that is primitive. Heaven will be modern. I'm not saying it will be like Tron. Angels sing about a tropical island, but I believe that to be another one of their MANY lies. It would have to be a mighty big island to house billions of people world-wide. I'd prefer Jesus magically alter our globe, and the mindsets of all these dirty elves, but Heaven could potentially be another planet. Time is faster in Heaven, so when Jesus sent His wife back it may be only 5 years He's waited for her, while it's been 45 years I've lived on Earth. Songs suggest that Jesus watches me while I sleep, just as Edward in Twilight did with Bella. Possibly His speed frequency is higher, so He remains "invisible". Songs and movies call Jesus "The Invisible Man". They sing of us flying as angels/fireflies/lanterns in the air/space. Still curious myself how it will happen, but I'm thinking I'm the first to go... then the rest of the world will "follow the leader" (Jesus). Again, these Hollywood and Nashville band's have in no way written the songs they sing. God/Jesus has written them. They are all methodically choreographed, have tied themes that freemason flip, and are logically put out in a specific time frame. They are lying about writing their own lyrics. These elves are too stupid to write these complex, unified lyrics. Just as they lie about who they write the songs about, they lie about actually writing the lyrics. I'm not into "croaking", but it will be exciting to see what Jesus looks like. Jesus will most likely have special powers in the palms of His hands, like in 'Iron Man' and 'I Am Number 4'. He's been gone too long.

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